The LORD gives his people strength.
Psalms 28:8 (NLT)
Strength is a mighty gift from God. With strength, you can have many options. You can have the strength to make it through a tough time. Strength to accomplish a difficult task. Strength to overcome overwhelming circumstances. Strength when all else has failed. Strength to be patient and wait on the Lord. Strength to tear down strongholds. Strength to get through another day. Strength to outlast a temptation. Strength to give it another try. Strength to accept grace. Strength to face your deepest fears. Strength to start over. Strength to admit when you’re wrong. Strength to accept your weakness. Strength to trust in God. Today God has all the strength you need. It’s yours for the asking.
Father, how I thank You that You give Your people strength. You know my needs. You know where I am weak and where I need Your strength. Give me all the strength I need for today. In Jesus’ name.