Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalms 27:14 (NIV)
It is hard to delay gratification. We want what we want when we want it. We have yearned so long. So, what do we do when it seems that God is silent and we can’t wait? David knew. He wrote, “Be strong and take heart.” Take heart is to be courageous emotionally and mentally. David is calling on us to be strong and brave and use all the patience and strength we have to persevere. Then he calls upon us to “take heart.” When everything in us is screaming for action, crying for resolution, and we have the accelerator pushed to the floor, we need to stop, take a deep breath and calm ourselves. We need to refocus on what is true and reconnect with God. It is in that moment, we take heart and allow God to help us regulate our emotions back to peace and joy. Today we have choices. He is here! Choose to be strong, wait for the Lord; and take heart.
Dear Father, thank You that You know my situation. You know my needs. Help me gain strength from this and to take heart. Teach me to wait on You and trust You to provide for me in ways that only You can. In Jesus’ name.