I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16 (NIV)
Two thousand years ago, Paul the Apostle prayed this prayer for the church in Ephesus. He prayed that God would use His mighty resources to strengthen them with POWER in their INNER BEING. Can you think of anything that we need more than that? All around us, there is strife, stress, conflicts, and confusion. We often find ourselves going up and down emotionally. It is easy to get sucked into this world’s problems and forget that there is a God who cares, who loves us and who can strengthen us. In order to make it in this world, we need a mighty reservoir of strength on the inside, where we really live. And how does God impart His strength into our life? Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. According to Paul, it is the job of the Holy Spirit to give us the internal strength we need. This same Spirit that intercedes for us. This same Spirit that leads us into all truth. This same Spirit that is our comfort. The Holy Spirit will give us the strength we need on the inside. Ask Him to strengthen you with His power today.
Dear Holy Spirit, I know You are real. You are our Holy God’s Spirit, that comes and takes residence in us upon our conversion. I confess I have ignored You. I repent and ask Your forgiveness. I ask You now, O Holy Spirit, to come in all Your power and give me strength today in my inner being. Might I live in the fullness of Your power even now. In Jesus’ name.