Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15 (NIV)
I love how the peace of Christ and thankfulness go together. Heartache, suffering, disappointment causes much pain. Paul knew this from being in prison, shipwrecked, starving, stoned, left for dead and being hunted down like a criminal. And yet, through the peace of knowing Christ, Paul was able to give thanks. And why did giving thanks matter? Because giving thanks is the key to returning to joy from painful emotions and circumstances. It is handing over the steering wheel to someone else more capable then us to drive when we are under so much duress. And so today, give it all to Christ. Come to Him who is able to give you peace even when thanksgiving seems so far away. His peace will comfort. His peace will sustain. His peace will return you to joy and a thankful heart.
Father, it is hard to give thanks in all things. I need Your peace, that passes all understanding, to rule in my heart. Come in the power of Your Holy Spirit and fill me where I cannot fill myself. In Jesus Name I give you thanks.