So get rid of all immoral behavior and all the wicked things you do. Humbly accept the word that God has placed in you. This word can save you. Do what God’s word says. Don’t merely listen to it, or you will fool yourselves. James 1:21-22 (GW) TODAY’S THOUGHT In today’s multitasking world, it is hard to focus on anything for more than five minutes. Interruptions have become a fact of life. There are emergencies and just-in-time deadlines, and we make judgments on the fly and hope that they stick. Well, if we are going to make it spiritually, we have to be intentional. It isn’t good enough to hear the Bible, a verse here, a sermon there. We need to know the Word of God. And then, most importantly, we need to do it. Start today; make a commitment to study the Bible and apply it to your life. TODAY’S PRAYER Dear Holy Spirit, I know that it is Your joy to help me learn the Word of God and apply it to my life. I invite You to be my teacher, guide, and mentor. Please help me start today to make the Bible a priority in my life. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
He has also set eternity in the hearts of men. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV) TODAY’S THOUGHT Something about this world causes us to yearn for the next. We were never meant to live just here. God created us for more than just this. He created us to be eternal. A soul that never dies. He has etched it deep into our hearts. C.S. Lewis wrote, “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” The good news is that Christ came to make a way to prepare for the next life. He is the only one who lived in both. He is God and human in one. He made a way, through His death, for us to co-exist with a Holy and Almighty God. So much so that we now can come to God and call Him “Daddy.” That’s what children do. They call their Father “Daddy.” And they long to be home with him. Listen to your inner voice and respond to your Father in Heaven. TODAY’S PRAYER Dear Father, I do hear another voice. It is from a distant land, and I long to know more about it. There has to be more than what I can see around me. I come today and ask You to make me more conscious of Your presence. More aware of Your power and mystery. I invite Your Heaven to invade my earth and help me become a citizen of both. Awaken my soul to Your heavenly reality. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close. Psalm 27:10 (NLT) TODAY’S MESSAGE At first glance, this verse may not seem to have much depth. But if we understand its meaning, it can change our lives. In his book Experiencing Healing Prayer, Rick Richardson shares, “From our mother, we get our sense of being and well-being. From our father, we get a sense of blessing.” The trouble is that none of us go through our childhood unscathed. No parent can completely meet all our needs. If our mother or father is controlling, absent, abusive, distant, or exhibits any other negative traits, it can result in a struggle with affirmation and self-esteem. But what can we do? Do we have to be a victim of a fallen world? Today’s verse gives us the answer. “Even if our father and mother abandon us, the Lord will hold us close.” When we understand our genuine relationship with God, we will be able to receive our sense of being and well-being from Him. When we comprehend how much He loves and approves of us, we will live with a deep understanding of His blessing for us. Celebrating who we are in Christ can help us rise above our circumstances and go beyond the limits of our childhood. TODAY’S PRAYER Father, I thank You for Your deep, deep love for me. I thank You that You created me for a purpose. I thank You that I am not a mistake. Because of Your love for me, I can feel good about myself. I receive a sense of well-being from knowing that I am a blessing to You. Thank You, Lord, no matter what my past, I can come to You with my needs. When I do, You will hold me close. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16 TODAY’S THOUGHT Where do you go when there is trouble? There are a lot of choices. You can run to your friends. Friends who listen, understand, and help you when needed are a true blessing. But not all of us have those kinds of friends. Sometimes it is easier for us to simply run away. Running can be in many different forms. It can be procrastination, you know, where we will always find a solution later. It could be an addiction to anesthetize ourselves from the situation. It could be running full steam ahead, ignoring problems, focusing on achievement, or materialism. Yet, there is a better way. Today’s scripture gives us another option that makes good sense. The author of Hebrews writes, “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” You notice the verse doesn’t say to be timid. It says to “boldly” come to God. And what do we get when we find ourselves in His presence? Mercy and grace. Two of the most beautiful words in all of the Bible. Mercy not giving us what we deserve. Grace giving us what we do not deserve. Thank God today that He has His mercy and grace available for you. TODAY’S PRAYER Father, thank You for promising me that I can come boldly to You anytime – day or night. I can come boldly with my problems, concerns, and weaknesses. I come to You now, dear Father. Hear my needs, hear the deep inner thoughts and concerns of my heart. Please make me conscious of Your incredible mercy and grace that You have promised to me. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Matthew 10:7,8 (NIV) TODAY’S THOUGHT Jesus did the will of His Father. He told His disciples to do the same thing. He gives us the same commission. Jesus said it best, “Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” Today you and I have been called to be about the same Father’s business. We have been asked to go to the world and cry, “The Kingdom of God is near!” We go in His power and do His will. We go in His love and heal the brokenhearted. We go in His provision and give to those in need. He has called us to do greater things. Today, let’s be like Jesus and let the Heavenly Father live and do His work through us. TODAY’S PRAYER Father, I pray that Your Kingdom will be evident in my life today. Guide, lead, and show me what You would have me do. Give me the courage and faith to trust You for mighty things and to be obedient to what You ask of me. I pray that I will honor You in all that I do today. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. Ephesians 3:17-18 (NLT) TODAY’S THOUGHT Roots are crucial to the health of a plant. It is the way that plants get water and nourishment. Jesus used plants and roots as a metaphor for our spiritual life. He pointed out that “where” you put your roots can make all the difference in the world. Jesus shared about the futility of sowing seed on a path where the roots can’t grow. This represents the evil one stealing away the truth from our hearts. He says some seed falls on a rocky area where the roots grow quickly but shallow, and the plant soon dies. This represents a lack of commitment where spiritual fervor doesn’t last long. Finally, Jesus shared about the seed that falls in the weeds where the competition for the roots steals away nourishment. This represents the cares of this world or the lure of wealth taking us away from our walk with Christ. Instead, Jesus said we must plant the seed on good ground. In Ephesians, Paul is praying for the church that we would let our roots grow deep into the love that Christ has for us. How do we do this? By opening our hearts to Christ’s influence and trusting in Him. To mature in Christ, we must spend time in good soil. We must pray, read His word, and meditate in His presence. Where are your roots? Are emotional issues leaving your faith malnourished? Are the cares of this world choking you out? Come to Jesus –let your roots go down deep into His love. TODAY’S PRAYER Father, too many of my roots have been shallow. I have not let my roots go down deep into Your love. My commitment has wavered. I’ve let the cares of this world choke me out. Help me today begin to go deeper with You. Feed me, nourish my soul, I pray. Help me know You more, hear You more, and love You more. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” He said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.” Luke 11:1-2 (NIV) TODAY’S THOUGHT There is much to learn about praying. It seems so easy, “we just talk to God.” But if it was that simple, then why don’t we do it? Instead, we act as if we are calling in a restaurant’s take-out order. Nothing personal, just putting in our request. Or we leave messages on the heavenly answering machine because we don’t expect God to “pick up.” Where is the relationship? Can you imagine what that was like for the disciples to watch Jesus interact with His Heavenly Father? It was enough that one of His disciples asked Jesus to show him how to pray and interact with God. And what was the first thing Jesus said? It was “Our Father.” Prayer for Jesus was about His relationship with His loving Father. God wants the same relationship with you! He created you for fellowship. Prayer is more than just a shopping list, more than a simple confession, more than a one-way conversation. It is a dialog, a relationship. It is you getting to know God and fellowshipping “with” Him, not talking “at” Him. So today, coverse with God, share your thoughts with Him, and ask Him to share His thoughts with you. Ask God to make you conscious of His presence. Then He will do with you what He did with the disciples. He will teach you to pray! TODAY’S PRAYER Father, I come to You now and ask You to teach me to pray. I want a real relationship with You. I want to know Your thoughts, desires, and direction for my life. Help me relate to You throughout the day so prayer becomes second nature. In Jesus’ Name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! I John 3:1 TODAY’S THOUGHT I don’t know how John could have contained himself when he wrote this verse. It has to be one of the most celebratory verses in the entire Bible. John understood the significance of being a child of God and implored us to understand it, too. With the excitement of a child on Christmas morning, John exclaims, “See how very much our father loves us!” Can you see it? There are four points to notice. First, “how very much.” God’s love for us is unfathomable. John wants us to see and examine the concept that God loves us very much and to believe it. Second is the phrase “our.” John is getting personal. He isn’t talking about a God beyond our grasp, an impersonal Deity. Instead, John says this is “our” Father, leading to the third point. God is our “Father.” Not a dysfunctional or absentee parent. He is our loving, faithful, and trustworthy Father. Finally, John shares that this Father, who calls us His children, also “loves us” very much. Knowing this should change everything. When you know someone loves you, you trust them. You want to be with them. You want to share in their life. Today, I pray that you will grasp with the Apostle John how wonderful it is to know that the Father loves you. Rest assured, you have been called “Child of God,” and this is what you are! TODAY’S PRAYER Dear Father, thank You for loving me and making me Your child. What a privilege to know You! What a joy to be Yours! May Your love fill my heart and guide my thoughts today. In Jesus’ name. AMEN TODAY’S VERSE
May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ. II Thessalonians 3:5 TODAY’S THOUGHT It will take a lifetime to mature fully in Christ. Although our salvation is immediate, maturing in Christ is a process. But we don’t see it that way. We want instant spirituality, and here is the real twist, we want it without the spiritual discipline of prayer, meditation, and scripture reading. Nor do we want to be busy with ministry. Instead, we have our lives to lead, with all their essential tasks and duties. Is it a wonder that we don’t know what Jesus is talking about when He says that He has come to give us abundant life? This is why Paul prays that the Lord would lead our hearts into a full understanding and experience of love. A love that will change everything! It is personal and real. When He leads our hearts into fully understanding His love, we have no choice but to mature! And this kind of maturity results in a life of patient endurance. Today ask God to lead your heart into a deep understanding of His love. TODAY’S PRAYER Father, please lead my heart into fully understanding Your love. Help me today to be purposeful in knowing and living for You in all I do. In Jesus’ name. AMEN |
AuthorWritten by Ronald Ovitt Archives
January 2025
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